Platt Wellness Blog

Casey M

Key Benefits of Bio-Identical Creams - Avoid Side Effects from Synethics

Key Benefits of Bio-Identical Creams - Avoid Side Effects from Synethics

How Big Pharma Makes Money regardless of the effectiveness of synthetic hormones

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How do you know you are in Perimenopause or Menopause?

How do you know you are in Perimenopause or Menopause?

Learn about the various testing methods and which one is most effective.

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Annette Said
How to avoid the affects of Menopause & Insulin Resistence

How to avoid the affects of Menopause & Insulin Resistence

As women approach menopause, hormonal changes can affect insulin sensitivity. Some women may experience insulin resistance during perimenopause and menopause, leading to an increased risk of conditions like type 2 diabetes.   Insulin is one of the “major” hormones and it has a cascading effect on the rest of your hormones, including the “minor” hormones estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. Estrogen plays a role in maintaining insulin sensitivity, and its decline during menopause may contribute to insulin resistance. Lifestyle factors such as diet and physical activity also play a significant role in insulin sensitivity. Regular exercise and a balanced diet can help...

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