Platt Wellness Blog — progesterone cream

DHEA - The Key to Wellbeing, a Well Known Secret

DHEA - The Key to Wellbeing, a Well Known Secret

In fact, some believe that many of the manifestations of aging are caused by deficiencies in DHEA.

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What you May Not Know about the Wondrous Healing Powers of Progesterone

When you realize that there are over 300 receptor sites for progesterone throughout the body, you can begin to appreciate the powerful effects people can experience when they are given this hormone.

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Karen Martel on Adrenaline Dominance & Your Hormones with Dr. Michael Platt

Karen Martel on Adrenaline Dominance & Your Hormones with Dr. Michael Platt

Dr. Michael Platt is board-certified in internal medicine. He is known internationally as an expert in bio-identical hormones. He is considered by many to be the world's expert on the use of high-dose progesterone cream Is the author of: "The Miracle of Bio-identical Hormones" - six literary awards "Adrenaline Dominance" - five literary awards "The Platt Protocol for Hormone Balancing" - a wellness manual for doctors Platt is considered an important pioneer in the observational, functional, alternative, and allopathic medicine focused on bio-identical hormones and adrenaline overload. In this episode: What is adrenal dominance The effects of adrenal dominance The...

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Breast Cancer Prevention

Breast Cancer Prevention

I published a blog a couple of years ago in deference to October being Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Since then, nothing has changed. I feel the message is important enough to repeat. The unfortunate situation is that all things pink, including ribbons, has come to symbolize a complete lack of interest in achieving a better approach to breast cancer. The Susan Komen Foundation has raised millions of dollars since 1982 and the statistics have not improved.October is well known as Breast Cancer Awareness Month. There is no debate about the fact that women should be aware of breast cancer since...

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