hormones and weightloss podcast by Dr. Platt

Hey Doc Video Series #6 - Hormones & Weightloss

Hormones control every system in the body, and they certainly have a significant impact on a person’s weight.

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Michael Platt
Hey Doc Video Q&A Series - #5 Men, Hormones & Vitality

Hey Doc Video Q&A Series - #5 Men, Hormones & Vitality

Men may benefit from hormone replacement therapy (HRT) in certain situations. Hormone imbalances can occur in men due to various factors, including aging, certain medical conditions, or treatments. Testosterone is the primary hormone of concern for men when considering HRT.

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Michael Platt
Hey Doc Q&A Video Series #4 - ADHD

Hey Doc Q&A Video Series #4 - ADHD

Dr. Platt discusses what is ADHD, what is the cause, and how to treat it.

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Michael Platt
Postpartum depression video blog by Dr. Michael E. Platt

Postpartum Depression (PPD) / Colicky Babies

To listen here.  Dr. Michael E. Platt addresses Postpartum Depression and how is relates to colicky babies. He discusses the difference between transdermal Progesterone Cream and Oral Progesterone.

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