Platt Wellness Blog — adrenaline fatique

Is Adrenal Fatigue Actually Adrenaline Dominance?

Is Adrenal Fatigue Actually Adrenaline Dominance?

So is adrenal fatigue a condition related to too little cortisol or too much adrenaline? The distinction is important, since the treatments for the two conditions differ.

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141. Bio-Identical Hormones and the Truth Behind Adrenal Fatigue With Dr. Michael Platt

141. Bio-Identical Hormones and the Truth Behind Adrenal Fatigue With Dr. Michael Platt

Do you experience fatigue, neck pain, restless sleep, road rage or frequent headaches? You might have too much adrenaline. I have Dr. Michael Platt today and we talk about adrenaline dominance, how progesterone creams can work with adrenal dominance, oral progesterone vs progesterone cream, and so much more. Dr. Platt is considered an important pioneer in observational, functional, alternative, and allopathic medicine focused on bio-identical hormones and adrenaline overload.     Brittany and I talk about:  04:00 - Thinking about moving to Costa Rica or Central America 15:20 - How Dr. Platt started specializing in bio-identical hormones 19:10 - What adrenaline dominance...

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The Story of Adela Allen and Adrenaline Dominance

The Story of Adela Allen and Adrenaline Dominance

Dear Dr Platt: I am writing to you to tell you how much I appreciate your dogged persistence in getting your message and protocol out to the public. For many years, I felt that the people in my family were driven by what I called an accessible adrenaline response. We are all hampered in our daily lives by uncontrollable responses to stress. After reading your book, "Adrenaline Dominance", I finally found out why, what caused it, and how to relieve the symptoms my parents, siblings, and children experienced. The most dramatic example is my husband, who has always been subject...

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Dealing with Adrenaline Dominance or Fatique

Dealing with Adrenaline Dominance or Fatique

Join us in this episode of the Adrenal Fatigue Podcast where we are discussing all things adrenaline dominance with Dr. Michael E. Platt. We discuss many of the common symptoms that go along with adrenal fatigue and how adrenaline dominance could be a less obvious influence behind them. So commonly when we discuss burnout and adrenal fatigue, we think mainly about cortisol… but adrenaline is another hormone that comes into the mix that plays an important role in the connection and as you’ll find out, you don’t really find one without the other. IN THIS EPISODE WE ANSWER THE FOLLOWING:...

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