Platt Wellness Blog — hormone balancing

Key Benefits of Bio-Identical Creams - Avoid Side Effects from Synethics

Key Benefits of Bio-Identical Creams - Avoid Side Effects from Synethics

How Big Pharma Makes Money regardless of the effectiveness of synthetic hormones

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How do you know you are in Perimenopause or Menopause?

How do you know you are in Perimenopause or Menopause?

Learn about the various testing methods and which one is most effective.

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What you need to know about Estrogen Dominance and Breast Cancer

What you need to know about Estrogen Dominance and Breast Cancer

The fact is that there are many clinical studies that have established that an underlying and untreated condition of "estrogen dominance" significantly increases your breast cancer risk

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Dr. Platt’s treatment approach of Brenda J's Estrogen Dominance

Dr. Platt’s treatment approach of Brenda J's Estrogen Dominance

"Six weeks after her first visit to my office, Brenda came in and we sat down and talked. “Doc,” she said, “I’ve never felt better in my entire life.” That shows you the power of hormones."  Brenda J.

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