Platt Wellness Blog — adrenaline

Michael Platt
Autism: A Revolutionary Approach to Treatment

Autism: A Revolutionary Approach to Treatment

The brain uses more sugar per weight than any other part of the body. However, the creative brain requires much more sugar than a “normal” brain because it is more active. Because of this, the body continuously pours out adrenaline to raise sugar levels for the brain via a process called gluconeogenesis.

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How Progesterone Blocks Adrenaline Dominance with Dr. Michael Platt & Wendy Myers

How Progesterone Blocks Adrenaline Dominance with Dr. Michael Platt & Wendy Myers

Why the root cause of so many health issues are simply adrenaline surges.

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What you May Not Know about the Wondrous Healing Powers of Progesterone

When you realize that there are over 300 receptor sites for progesterone throughout the body, you can begin to appreciate the powerful effects people can experience when they are given this hormone.

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Michael Platt

Why Belly Fat? Thank Goodness of Lycra, or maybe not...

Belly fat has a why of sneaking up on you...slowly. Thank good ness for Lycra. However, there is a way to rid of belly fat, if you understand how hormones play a role. Read below:   ✅The primary hormonal change in the pre and post menopausal state is a significant drop in progesterone levels.   ✅Progesterone is the hormone that blocks insulin, and insulin is the hormone that puts on fat around the middle. At the same time, because of the drop in progesterone levels, adrenaline levels increase which is a significant cause of a rise in glucose which increases...

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