Please read recommended dosage. This is not to be taken daily for extended periods of time.
Each capsule of Vitamin D3 Max provides 50,000 IU of vitamin D3.
Almost 100 % of people are vitamin D deficient . When first starting to take vitamin D3, it is recommended that the initial dose should be 50,000 IU per serving for the first 7 days in order to build up sufficient levels.
This amount of vitamin D3 is also excellent for eliminating a cold if taken at the first sign of symptoms. It has been noted that those people with the highest vitamin D levels have the greatest longevity – they have the lowest levels of heart disease and cancer.
Please note: All of our vitamin D3 preparations are powder-containing capsules. This was done intentionally to avoid the use of gel caps that contain some form of oil. Vitamin D is not a fat-soluble vitamin and thus does not require oil for absorption. The oil present in gel caps will impair the absorption of at least 50% of the vitamin D.
Recommended dose: one capsule a day for seven days. Use the 8 remaining capsules to start another family member on D3, or use it as a one time dose in case you get a cold.
After seven days, switch to the K2 with D3 (Ultra K) and take two a day to provide 10,000 IU. Or take one Ultra K with two D3 5,000 IU to provide 15,000 IU if you are in daily contact with other people. The therapeutic dose of 10,000 IU or more will also prevent you from getting a sunburn and skin cancer.