Statistically, 75% of people who have heart attacks actually have a low cholesterol. It is important to understand that nature is a lot smarter than we are. One of it’s primary concern is survival, and cholesterol is a major player when it comes to survival. Every hormone in the body is made with cholesterol, and hormones control every system in the body. It is a strong component of the immune system, helping the body to fight cancer. Every cell wall is made with cholesterol, including the cell walls of arteries. Arterial walls are under constant attack by free radicals and...
In some ways, hormone replacement in men is more important than it is for women. The most important hormone to replace in men is testosterone. It usually peaks around the age of 20, and then starts to decline yearly. Around the ages of 50 to 60 it has often decreased to a level where symptoms become noticeable. The classic changes that occur most often relate to a decrease in libido (loss of interest in sex) and erectile dysfunction. However, there are other aspects to testosterone replacement that men should be aware of. For example, almost 100% of men that have...